Just a Hello Post

This week I did a “Press This” (not really knowing what would happen), but hoping it would attach the Unpickled post I was trying to link to, and it did.  And just now I did a “Reblog” of Belle’s Friday Celebration Roundup, where my Day 180 was mentioned.  And that worked too.

WordPress does have some neat tools, many of which I have not made the effort to figure out. After checking on whether the “Reblog” worked, and it did, I thought, “Why not do an original post?  Just a simple hello, post.”

It will be short but,

“Hello.  I hope you are doing OK.  I’m good, and that is really a good thing, considering it is Friday! Today is Day 186 alcohol free. And I am excited for a ‘normal’ Friday night. I am going to order some food for our family, and we are going to watch a movie on the couch.  Last Friday, we were out of town, and the Friday before was Halloween.  And I can’t really recall the details of the prior Friday so it must have been a ‘normal’ Friday too.”

But wait, when did Fridays become “normal” again????  Did I really just say I am excited for a “normal” Friday?

It seems like it wasn’t that long ago when I was posting the Fridays were still so very hard.  And they are still, in ways, but yet I am noticing that today was not at all as tough as a Friday was even a month ago.

Perhaps passing the 6 month mark from May 12, 2014 has really helped me turn a corner?

I am imagining a circle where I have passed the halfway point and I am going back “home.”

I joined Belle’s Team 365, after getting to 180 Days.  And while at times this week, making this additional pledge to 1 year (yikes!!!!) has really made me nervous, today, right now, I am absolutely OK with it – and it is Friday!

Maybe I am OK because I just saw my name in Belle’s Friday Celebration Roundup.  I don’t know because really I have been OK all day.  Maybe Fridays are really getting easier, and maybe I will continue to be excited about “normal” Fridays again?   We will see.

But after re-blogging two other posts this week, I wanted to do my own simple post to just say hello.

So . . .  “Hello. I hope you are doing OK today too.”

8 thoughts on “Just a Hello Post

  1. You are doing great. Normal. When I was drinking I spent a lot of time wondering what NORMAL people were doing. Do NORMAL people drink themselves into a stupor every night?
    I understand your fascination with your new normal. I like mine too.

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